Sunday, February 05, 2006

I googled Mink Stole and this came up.

Oh the weekend, are you coming to a close already? I didn't need you anyway! I actually had kind of a full weekend...for me anyway. I went to Amoeba yesterday and had a bit of a shopping spree. So like my friend gave me an AMX gift card for Jew-Christmas so my original intent was to use it, but does Amoeba take AMX? No. Oh well. So I bought the Nomi song yesterday and while I was checking out the checkout guy started a little friendly banter with me. It went like this:

Checkout Guy: "Oh, the Nomi Song! That's a great documentary."

Me: "Yeah, after watching it I became strangely fixated on Klaus Nomi."

Checkout Guy: "When I first moved to LA a few years back my girlfriend brought me to this party and I got to meet Klaus Nomi..."

Me: "That's impossible, he's been dead since the early 80's."

:::SILENCE for the rest of the time it took to ring me up:::

That right there is a very LA kind of thing to do. Name dropping is retarded. Anybody who participates in such an act is equally retarded. If you are going to name drop, do not name drop a dead person. Do not name drop a dead person who I am obsessed with. I love Amoeba, but it has destroyed every other record store in its path. Aaron's Records is closing and Rhino Records closed about two weeks ago. When will the madness cease?

Today was amazingly warm and beautiful. You can only say so many bad things about global warming. ...And then the massive flooding will consume the entire LA basin and wolves will run wild and free. But no, today was really really nice. My mother was raised in the Bronx and Patterson, New Jersey, and my dad was born and raised outside of Boston. So they obviously grew up with snow and cold. I have spent most of my life within an hour radius of Los Angeles. I did however spend two years in upstate New York so I have experience snow and all of that. But as far as this sweetly warm winters day I know that I do take it for granted. My parents can never help but mention fifty million times how nice it is.

"Can you believe this weather? In Feburary no less!"

I went to some hip hop club last night by Crenshaw. I have never felt so out of place in my life. Well, I felt really out of place when I went to my friend's parent's Christmas musical at their evangelical church. Hilarity enuses. Hilarity ensuses after when I ate at a Korean tofu house and two raw eggs and a fish are shoved onto the table. Deliciousness ensues.

I bid you good day.

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